Fiction Arcade: A new site for short fiction

I am always looking for great short stories to read -- and happily with the web, it's easier than ever.
Today, I received an intriguing email about a new website Fiction Arcade: Bringing back the short story:  It's a well-organized site that focuses primarily on the great short fiction genres (horror, sci-fiction, adventure,etc.)   I haven't had a chance to explore the inventory, but I did notice that several stories were free -- and also that the site offers many "Fiction Arcade Classics" for free (if you're in the mood for a little Lovecraft, this is your site.)  Other stories are sold for modest sums-- at iTune levels.

Authors can sign up and submit their stories -- and each month, there are competitions.  All in all, it looks like a welcome addition to the new digital fiction environment, and another resource for readers.

Click here to start reading.

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